Författare: lunxer

  • Install Gargyole on a fonera (fon2100)

    The La Fonera is a wireless router that runs a light version of Openwrt, and to make the most of it i am going to install Gargoyle firmware. First off, do NOT connect the device to internet, since it will try to update its firmware and you can only hack version up to 0.7.1 r1.…

  • The sagan series

    This is the original video made by damewse Part 1 Part 2

  • Installing rtorrent with xmlrpc-c

    To run rtorrent with wtorrent you need xmlrpc support, this is a quick guide to installing this in ubuntu (10.10) First install dependencies. sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev build-essential libxmlrpc-c3-dev Next up: rtorrent libs. wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/libtorrent-0.12.6.tar.gz sudo tar xvf libtorrent-0.12.6.tar.gz cd libtorrent-0.12.6 sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install ..and rtorrent itself. wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/rtorrent-0.8.6.tar.gz…

  • How to install asrock 330HT remote

    Quick howto on installing 330HT remote in Ubuntu 10.10 Open an terminal First we’ll need lirc: sudo apt-get install lirc Select ”None” for both ”remote control configuration” and ”IR transmitter” And then install lirc-modules-source: sudo apt-get install lirc-modules-source Now for Nuvoton 677 .deb’s wget ”http://europe.asrock.com/downloadsite/drivers/Nettop/Ubuntu/IR(10.10)2.6.35-22.zip” Unzip this: unzip IR\(10.10\)2.6.35-22.zip Install the deb inside the unzipped…

  • Showaddr – tool to add shows to rssdler

    Howdy! Made a set of php scripts to ease the use of adding of shows from an rss feed to get downloaded with rtorrent. What now? Let me explain. Lets say we have an rss feed, for example, with different podcasts. We want to download all new episods of a selected few of shows in…

  • Alkoholscreening


  • Reverse dir listing

    Tried to make a log of the latest 20 dirs in a folder, and had some trouble with reversing the output, i wanted the newest dir at the top, the answer made me laugh. Tac is like cat, but reversed. For those interested: ls -tr /home/user | tail -n 20 | tac > latestdirs.log

  • Dump for c10t-renders of me and my friends minecraft server.

  • Sprawlanta

    Interesting video about suburban sprawl in USA.

  • DIY Nike+ sensor pouch

    Made a pouch to hold my girlfriend’s Nike+ sensor and took upon me to make a video about how to make one. TL;DW Two strips of velcro, one folded to make a pouch for the sensor, and then attached to the shoelaces. This is my first shot at editing, sorry for the quality.